Friday, June 27, 2008

Spaces - The Next generation Social Networking Platform

Spaces - Social Networking for brands
Creating social networks is a breeze! announces the roll-out of Spaces a next generation social networking platform to create social networks on the fly around brands, causes, interests etc..the platform combines an array of rich social web applications and a networking platform for engaging communities,groups around any theme.Spaces is under an ongoing development process at under a collaboration with Spaces is currently under private alpha and would soon open up to an invite only beta phase.

From the about us of

Youtopia is a social platform for creative individuals and groups to aggregate apps and content.

Inherently everyone is creative. It's only when you stumble upon the right tools is there a chance to express that creativity. Youtopia is for that creative "You" in You. It's for that photographer, musician, filmmaker, creative artist in you. It's a combination of some simple, elegant and intuitive creative apps which lets you do some amazing things with your digital content like your music, photos, videos. As the platform is social you get to share,connect with other creative folks and groups. You can either start doing some amazing things right away or gaze endlessly through some of the best photos,videos and aggregate or share stuff you like.

Towards a Web Utopia - for creative folks and communities

Youtopia is currently under a limited alpha. We've created the first set of apps which combine simple yet powerful discovery tool which we call Columbus - let's you discover some of the most amazing photos, videos on the web subjected to your taste and create archives of stuff you like. Photo, Video app which gives your digital content a rock star treatment.Events app which lets you create communities around your events.

This is a step forward towards creating, exquisite web apps. We're working on more apps which we would be introducing really soon.

We want to take youtopia to be a platform where you can either use apps within youtopia or aggregate apps from other services on the web. Youtopia will be your web destination if you're a creative Individual or organization like a school, college,design house etc. and would like to create and own your own community or social network and enable youtopia apps to power your domain or site, you can do all that and more in just few intuitive clicks.


We currently have closed registrations due to an overwhelming number of people requesting us for a beta test user name and password. The commercial launch of the product is slated for 15 July 2008.

Sunil R Nair

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